ignite Platform Overview - digitalML

ignite Platform Overview

ignite Platform Overview

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ignite helps large organizations achieve digital transformation success by scaling the number of APIs they have in a governed, consistent, and discoverable way.

Our customers are responding to transforming business models and digital opportunities through the development of open API platforms and velocity frameworks. To accelerate digital responsiveness while being able to respond to increasing regulatory/technology compliance requests, the ignite platform can address the gap in the API and Service Lifecycle Management and Catalog as part of the best of breed architecture our customers are operationalizing.

Learn more on how ignite helps provide scale and a consistent way of developing the needed APIs/Services that unlock value from data and create synergies with internal and external partners, enables faster and cheaper de-coupling of large monolithic into microservices and APIs to develop new digitally native services more quickly, and creates a force-multiplier platform for ever combining capabilities and hard to find developer and product owner talent. 

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